The Ethnos Group was formed to help provide those in need with basic resources. Having worked in different places around the world, I see the need to expand on the efforts that I have been involved with over the last two decades. My hope is to take the impact of this work to the next level.

The goal is to bring about change by zeroing in on three areas:

  • Training local leaders
  • Assisting orphans and widows
  • Helping others get involved


We connect the resources, training and people that will have the greatest impact on the lives of those who need it the most.


With this initiative, the goal is to equip leaders with the tools they need. These leaders are often in positions where they can bring about the changes that are needed to improve life for all
involved. train leaders in the United States, Eastern Europe, the Middle East, and South Asia. This can include helping leaders understand money management,
learn how to teach more effectively, develop leadership skills, doctrine, and other topics as needed. With access to the right resources, people can become empowered by their own abilities and gain the confidence to fulfill their potential.


In many cultures orphans and widows are the most vulnerable of
people. With the mission always in mind, staying flexible is important for dealing with the new challenges that arise with orphans and widows. Over just the last few years have raised more than $500,000 to help orphans and widows. The money was used to make life better for those who are often at the bottom of the social ladder. Some of the most effective work with the orphans and widows happens with those who go through the leadership training. You can change things at the bottom if you change people at the top.


The Ethnos Group is dedicated to getting people involved in helping fulfill the mission. I have led teams on overseas trips for over two decades. It is rewarding to see the impact on people’s lives when
they travel abroad to serve others.
Volunteers are needed since the work is too big to be done by one person alone. The aim is to provide assistance to those self-motivated individuals who will
step up and step in. These volunteers do not come to take over, but to come alongside the local people and leaders. When more people are engaged in helping, more people will be helped.


The Ethnos Group was founded by Dr. Douglas Lamb. For over 30 years he has served non-profit groups, with an emphasis on organizational expansion, and leadership development. During that time, Dr. Lamb served as an adjunct professor at the University level for eleven ears. Traveling internationally since 1987 has given Dr. Lamb the opportunity to examine first hand the conditions of those in need.

The Ethnos Group is board directed, and is incorporated as a non-profit in the State of Texas. The Ethnos Group is an officially registered 501(c)3 with the United States Federal Government.

Please contact us at douglasplamb.com for more information.